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在拉塞尔, we focus on underst和ing ways sustainable actions taken today can drive performance, 为了更好的明天.

  • GRESB:基于2023年全球房地产可持续性基准(GRESB), 公司的20个基金和独立账户, 在欧洲各地注册, 北美, 以及亚太地区, 他们的ESG标准再次获得认可. 澳门黄金城赌城关于GRESB的信息 在这里.
  • 能源之星:仲量联行是2023年度能源之星合作伙伴. 澳门黄金城赌城有关奖项的信息 在这里.
  • 新私人市场大奖2023: LaSalle has been recognized as Real Estate Firm of the Year (ESG) at the 新私人市场大奖2023 in recognition of steps taken to embed sustainability across operations in Europe. 澳门黄金城赌城有关奖项的信息 在这里.
  • 良好的健康安全: LaSalle earned 良好的健康安全 Ratings for 199 office 和 multi-family properties in 北美 和 Asia Pacific through the International WELL Building Institute following the successful completion of third-party documentation review by GBCI to confirm it has met the feature specific intents 和 requirements. 澳门黄金城赌城关于WELL健康安全评级 在这里

跨越我们的地域和业务线, we’re committed to exploring solutions 和 uncovering opportunities w在这里 sustainability can drive investment performance. This includes looking for ways to protect 和 enhance asset 和 portfolio value through decarbonization efforts, meeting investors’ needs 和 prioritizing the future of our communities 和 our planet.

我们致力于实现我们的脱碳承诺, 确保我们在实现净零目标方面取得有意义的进展, 这一切都符合我们的受托义务.

We actively engage in industry collaborations 和 discussions to share best practices 和 drive transparency, so we can collectively work to make a more significant impact on global carbon emissions.




作为受托人, 我们了解环境的可持续性和创造一个更清洁, 更健康的世界可以成为澳门黄金城赌城策略的一个成功部分.


  • 气候风险
  • 脱碳
  • 节约能源


Contributing to the strength of our communities is important to many of our investors, 员工和利益相关者. That’s why we invest time 和 resources into giving back 和 celebrating our mutual success.


  • 推动关怀文化  
  • 与战略利益相关者合作,支持我们的举措 
  • Prioritizing healthy 和 safe practices 和 the wellbeing of our stakeholders 


我们遵循道德规范, 兼容的, 有远见的, 透明的ESG政策贯穿所有业务线.


  • 报告 
  • 披露 
  • 监控 
  • 更新 


我们努力成为负责任澳门黄金城赌城的行业领导者. 作为我们对ESG原则承诺的一部分, we have partnered with leading global organizations to monitor 和 report on our progress. This allows us to learn, share our expertise, 和 improve our own ESG performance.



LaSalle is a signatory to the Net Zero 资产 Managers initiative 和 has committed to support the goal of reducing Scope 1 和 2 l和lord-controlled operational carbon emissions in our portfolio of directly managed properties to net zero by 2050 or sooner, 这与限制全球变暖的国际努力是一致的.

Any sustainability commitments we make are subject to our fiduciary duty 和 as may be reflected in the clients’ governing documents or as may be required by applicable law, 规则, 或法规.



LaSalle has been a signatory of the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment since 2009 和 has made a commitment to report on the progress toward the six 革命制度党 principles. 在2023年的最新评估报告中, LaSalle achieved four stars in the categories pertaining to Policy Governance 和 Strategy, 直接上市股票-活跃的基本面, 和建立信任措施, 直营地产也获得了三星评级.



GRESB (Global Real Estate 可持续性 Benchmark) is an industry-driven organization committed to assessing the sustainability performance of real estate portfolios (public, 私人和直接)在全球范围内. 在2023年,LaSalle提交了超过43美元.50亿美元的资产管理给GRESB. Assessment results for our open-end funds provide existing 和 potential investors with ESG performance information.


In 2019, LaSalle signed on as a supporter to the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, signaling our intent to incorporate climate risk into our investment decisions 和 investor reporting.


ULI Greenprint净零碳2050

LaSalle has aligned with ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance goal to reduce l和lord-controlled operational carbon emissions of LaSalle’s global portfolio of managed assets to which the framework is applicable to Net Zero Carbon (NZC) by 2050.



LaSalle is a charter member of ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance, 全球最大的透明收藏之一, 可验证的, 有关建筑物环保性能的综合数据. 它是变革的催化剂, 采取有意义的, immediate 和 measurable actions to generate real estate solutions that improve the environment through energy efficiency while demonstrating the correlation with increased property values.



2019年9月16日 LaSalle Improves 2019 GRESB Performance 和 United Nations ‘Principles for Responsible Investment’ Assessments 5分钟阅读 LaSalle Investment Management (“LaSalle”) is pleased to announce it has earned high marks across two industry-recognized global environmental, 资产管理公司的社会和治理(ESG)基准, 和 has formally expressed its support for the 气候相关财务信息披露工作组.
2019年8月5日 仲量联行发布全球房地产澳门黄金城赌城者ESG调查结果 4分钟阅读 LaSalle Investment Management (“LaSalle”) today published the findings of a comprehensive survey that examines how environmental, social 和 governance (“ESG”) concerns factor into institutional real estate investors’ decisions.


Make sure you’ve spelled everything correctly, or try searching for something else. 如果你仍然找不到你想要的东西,你总是可以的 澳门黄金城赌城 和某人交谈.